Time to change.

My life desperately needs to change.

I’m tired of being sick and tired. 

I’m tired of being owned by a system.  

Destined to work for someone else for the rest of my life. 

I’m tired of looking at my life and seeing a lack of legacy
 that I leave behind. 
I’m tired of being pinned by something I can never see or 
be free of. 

I’m tired of meaningless theology that pushes right and 
wrong down my throat.  

I’m tired of living an undisciplined, unhealthy, 
unsatisfying life. 

I’m tired of living day to day based on a minimalist and 
dependent approach to life. 

I’m tired of not being able to provide a good life for my 

I’m tired of superficial and convenient relationships.  

If I ever wanted to change my life, I have to stop caring 
about what is right and wrong. 

I cannot be bound by the law of this land. Either I serve 
it, or it serves me. 

I will not be a lemming of society, waiting for the scraps 
of life to feed my family. 

If I want a life, I have to take it. I cannot rely on 
positive thinking to solve my problems. 

I have to stop thinking that the universe owes me anything
because I’m a good person. 

I have to stop blaming everything else, and start blaming 

I am in control of my thoughts, my actions, my body, and 
my future. 

Nothing other than death will get in my way.

Goals and Dreams:

Stauffer Studios- Living Sculpture Gallery

To Gain and Maintain 40 lbs. Holding a healthy 210.

Learn a combination of Krav Maga, Kali, and Wing Chun

Learn to sail, support non profit organizations in the 
development of third world countries

Raise Great Weimars

Become a falconer. Train a Falcon to hunt with a dog.

Own House Boat

Own Eco friendly Ranch,  off grid with underground shelter 
and  1 year rations for 10 families or 50 people.

Moral Law doesn’t exist because you say so.

If I live to be led by the Spirit of God, a good God, a God who empowers us through grace, judges out of love, and calls us to love one another selflessly. How can I allow my own prejudices, biases, fears, or sense of control to guide my moral compass? Right and wrong is subjective, and only relative to judgmental human nature and not a supernatural character. I don’t believe in a moral law, but as I believe more and more about who God has called me to be and the nature of God. I see the good in his image and the bad in anything that wishes to destroy it. What kind of light do you have in you?

My Philosophy and Advice on Investing

Philosophy of Investing




This in no way is a comprehensive guide to investing. I may use examples in the future of investment strategies I am learning, but that I am not a licensed professional nor will I give you investment advice. These are my private notes from what I am studying. This has plagiarism written all over it. This is also coming from a guy who is as broke as you are. My heart is to raise up a generation alongside me that strive only to be better stewards with what God gives them and to further His Kingdom and live a full blessed life.


Good luck with your future investments and God Bless!!


The Philosophy Of Investing


In a downward market, passive investments just don’t work anymore. There is a major problem with Mutual Funds and 401ks that has to be acknowledged. I will get into these later. In today’s market, you can’t buy stocks and forget about them. Unless you just don’t care about your financial future and think your government is going to bail you out once you’ve lost everything out of ignorance and apathy. I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this, but that isn’t the way it works. It all starts with a change in our mind sets.


Here is an example of a mindset. Think about what a yield sign looks like. If I was to ask you what color it was, the majority of the people I’d ask would say yellow with black lettering. What’s interesting about that is you would be right; however the government has been making red yield signs with white lettering for at least 20 years. However, we still think yield signs are yellow with black lettering. It’s a mindset.


Over 90% of all investors lose more money than they gain. This is due to having a poor mind set. Why do investors lose money?


Failure = the following excuses.

  1. “I didn’t have enough information to make a good decision.”
  2. “I was given bad advice.”
  3. “I didn’t have enough time to adequately study the market.”
  4. “I didn’t have enough money to stay with my position.”
  5. “It’s all just a big government conspiracy to steal my money.”

You’ll notice, every response removes personal blame or responsibility for being a bad steward with what God gave you. Instead, these excuses make it easier for investors to view themselves victims of unforeseen circumstances that are beyond their control. We should be taking responsibility for our own ignorance, and admit we just are uneducated and don’t understand money.


Lesson #1 We have a spirit of self control. Take ownership for your own lack of understanding.


“SELF-CONTROL” or “TEMPERANCE” is listed last on the list of spiritual gifts by Paul in Galatians 5:22, 23.  This does not mean that self-control is the least important fruit of the Spirit. It easily could have been first because it plays an important part in making other spiritual fruit grow ripe . Self-control is the glue that holds all the other fruit together. Like other fruit of the Spirit, self-control is a gift of grace. It has been called “disciplined (trained) grace”: grace because it is free, disciplined because there is something for us to do. Self-control may sound negative, but it is an important part of grace itself. When we fail to control ourselves—our feelings, our appetites, our drives—then they control us. So, we must choose self-control under the grace and power of the Holy Spirit. Or we must accept being controlled by someone or something else. We are the ones who decide.


We develop false mindsets since childhood. I once heard this story of a scientific experiment where these scientists built a cage with a staircase. On the top of this stair case were bananas that we lowered down by a rope into the cage. Once the scientists put the monkeys in the cage, it was only a matter of time before one of the monkeys started up the staircase after a banana. The scientists sprayed the monkey with water scaring the monkey of the stairs. Not one monkey went after a banana after that.


Before long, the scientist replaced one of the monkeys with a new one. Like the first monkey, this monkey started up the stairs to get himself a banana. However, the scientists didn’t bring out the hose. They watched as the other monkeys beat the new monkey off the stairs to warn him not to eat the banana.


One by one the scientists replaced all the old monkeys from the beginning with new ones. What they discovered was fascinating. Every time a new monkey wanted a banana, the other monkeys would beat them off the stair case. The moral of the story, a lot of times we do things because everyone else has been doing it from the beginning. However, for the most part, we can’t even understand why we do what we do in the first place.  This again, is another example of mindsets.


The world was created far before “shoulds”, or “right and wrong”. Yet we still seem to think these concepts govern economics, but they don’t. The market doesn’t care who’s right or wrong. The world does not have morals or ethics, nor can it be governed by emotion. It is a world of logic, science, mathematics, physics, and extra-biblical principles.


What’s funny is our cultural habits are manipulated by emotion, and propaganda. We are driven by someone else’s concept of right and wrong. We live in a world full of systems and diversities, but even in our culture, we all have heard that we must invest in America. Be patriotic, and buy American. News flash, even America is owned by the world banks. We are no longer a Republic, or “power to the people.” We are a democratic oligarchy, governed by a world economic system. The market is manipulated by foreign exchange, import, export, treaties, and wars, but not patriotism. You could probably guess that even our world leaders make millions on foreign markets.


To say that the US’s economy is continually going up is a major fallacy and propaganda pushed to pressure sales and market growth. Even though our economy has been in a 4.7% downward trend since 2000, our economy is very volatile and has changed many times. In the 80’s we were a part of the greatest upward market in our history. If we fall into another depression, those controlling technology for their benefit will be forced to release new technology. These organizations will wait for the very last second. We will see a major upwards trend, following an 18 month crash. The next trend will most likely be in transportation, communications, and energy.


We do not have a shortage of new ideas to make our economy soar, but it’s not in Wall Street’s best interest to release new technology at this time. Gas prices continue to go up, poor vehicles continue to make it to the road, we spend more money on things we can’t afford, and we do it out of a convenient mindset. We need to ask these major banks to be honest with our money. We need to rate the American Dollar back to the gold standard where it was always meant to be instead of thriving on an invisible credit system. We need to audit the Federal Reserve and find the missing $7 trillion, and ask why the little guys are paying taxes even though it’s illegal, yet millionaires and major corporations are experiencing massive tax breaks. We can no longer afford to let our government declare blind war on third world countries on behalf of controlling natural resources and  and foreign trade. Don’t be ignorant folks. Don’t hide behind your veil of religion, but become good stewards with what God gives you. Be active in your economy, learn to be a part of the solution, and invest in one another.


“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Romans 12:2


The term invest, means to put money to use in something offering a profitable return.


Myths about Investing.


  1. “It takes to much time.” Well, education takes time. Managing your own portfolio takes about 30 minutes a day, Monday through Friday. The markets not open on the weekends or holidays.
  2. “Investing is like Gambling.” In a casino the house has the odds. However, in the stock market you can learn the trends, manage risk, and make faster decision that anyone else. With the right education you can make money in an upwards market, a sideways market, or a downward market.
  3. “It best if I just stick with the professionals.” The professionals work off commission. The will tell you to buy, that the market is good, and they’ll monitor your risk for you. However, he gets paid either way because he survives off you paying him not by you succeeding in the market. You’ll care more about your finances than he does.

If you were a professional carpenter, would you trust another carpenter to build your house? If you had a piece of wood and I wanted you to build me a house. Would you set the saw on the wood and expect it to cut itself? As a carpenter, it’s important to know your tools, and know how to use them correctly. You have to work at building a house. Building a house takes a lot of wisdom to do it correctly.


Lesson # 2- Money is a tool. You need to know how to use it correctly. “If you show no respect for the rewards of your efforts, you show no respect for your efforts.”


4.  “If I invest myself, it will equal greater risk.”  If you care more about being a good steward of your finances than someone else, than isn’t wisdom and hard work your only obstacles? With the tools we have available to us today, the amount of information, and our ability to communicate at real time anywhere in the world using the internet, makes any excuse not to manage your own portfolio virtually obsolete. There is no excuse not to utilize these tools to manage your risk. We hide behind laziness, procrastination, and complacency.

5.  “I don’t have the Insider know how.” It’s not as simple as just knowing what to buy. Don’t be lazy! Do your homework. Educate yourself. The market moves in patterns. Learn strategy and how to predict and follow those patterns. Play with fake money on virtual stock exchange, and learn the market.

6.  “I have to be smart and good at math. Only accountants and professional smart people make money on the market.” Education is about commitment. The market doesn’t care if you’re smart or not. Smart people tend to be stubborn. You have to be flexible and optimistic. Learn to move with the trends without investing emotionally.


Set realistic goals and work hard to make those happen, but also set unrealistic goals that seem so big only God can do them.


More advice…

–   Money will not solve your problems.

–   We operate on instincts when we are forced to survive.  We must identify reality and develop creative ways to deal with our circumstances. Our perception of reality does not make or define reality.


To make money, we must understand that:

  1. You want to make money.
  2. There is no reason you can’t make it.
  3. Realistically and honestly identify your values, needs, and goals.
  4. Use money as a tool to meet these values, needs, and goals.
  5. Be rational and realistic in identifying your situation or circumstance. Develop a clear strategy.
  6. Give yourself some boundaries and parameters.
  7. Get out of debt and live below your means.


–   Never buy out of pressure or impatience. There is no such thing as a onetime decision. Constant reevaluation is always key. Never trade without a plan or make an impulsive decision out of pressure.

–   There is wisdom in establishing acceptable loss, but…. NEVER LOSE MONEY!

–   If you are a good student of the market, you’ll know how not to sell short. Use Patience.

–   Get out of debt, and be a good steward with what God gives you.

–   Guard your time with your family. Money does not buy love.

–   Pay Tithe on the gross not the net to your Church not just any ministry you choose. Don’t confuse offerings with tithes. Bring your FIRST fruits to the store house.

–   Never get stuck working to pay interest, make the interest work to pay you. Interest never sleeps. It either collects or it pays.

–   Do not become manipulated by fear, worry, or regret. Live to encounter love, joy, peace, and hope. Forgive debt, and be a generous giver.

I am sorry I am a Christian. Chris Tse

I am a Christian. I’m sorry.

I’m sorry for the way that I come across

So fair and faith friendly and full of myself

Judging your spiritual health by

the words that you say

And the way that you dress, and the things that you do

Or maybe just judging you.

I’m sorry for the way that I live my life

So confident of my own beliefs that

I would never even think to think about thinking about yours

I’m sorry for the wars.

Ivory clad Crusaders mounting steeds and drawing swords

With such a spirit that if The Spirit spoke they wouldn’t hear

But you see the sword of the spirit was not a sword but the Word

And the Word was with God and the Word was God

And they preached this as they marched on the Holy Land

Singing and Praying and Killing and Slaying

And purging and healing and raping and stealing

It’s ironic that they lined their pockets in the name of God

Just like the priests who line their pockets in the name of God

Just like the people that you can’t stand, because they always raise their hand

And spread their faith and hate and judgment in the name of God

I’m sorry that I take God’s name in vain

Or rather I’m sorry that I stain the name of God

Defending my selfish actions as selfless actions pertaining to the will of God

I’m sorry for being intolerant

For trying to talk down to you

For trying to talk over you

For not letting you talk

I’m sorry for not walking the walk

For being a hypocritical critical Christian

Criticizing your pagan lifestyle while my lifestyle styles itself

Just like the televangelist’s hair

All slick and sly and slippery

As the silver syllables slide their way into your ear

But see that’s my greatest fear

That the steps I take won’t match the words I speak

So that when I speak all you hear of me

is a weak hypocritical critical Christian

Doing one thing, but saying another

Loving my friend, but hating my brother

It’s a show.

I’m sorry I get drunk on Saturdays

and go to church on Sundays to pray

for my friends who get drunk on Saturdays

And on that note,

I’m sorry for making the church about the pews and the cross

And the walls and the steeple

Because see, the building is not the church

The church is the people

I’m sorry that I hate you because you are gay

I’m sorry I condemn you to hell because you are gay

Instead of loving I jump to hatred

Mouth open and tongue preaching

Eyes open but not seeing that you are the same as me

Just a fucking human being

I’m sorry that I only hang out with Christian friends

And we do nice Christian things

Like pot luck dinners and board game nights

While in the night a man beats his girlfriend again

Another homeless man died again

Is this the way that my own crowd has been?

But here I am with the same friends again

But see what I always forget is that Jesus didn’t come

to hang out with the priests and the lords.

No, He hung out with cripples and beggars and whores


I’m sorry for history

For native tribes wiped out in the name of the church

Lodges burning Stomachs churning and yearning for justice

And mothers screaming and pleading

Pleading for the young ones

As they are dragged away to church schools

Where they were abused

I’m sorry for the way that I refused to learn your culture

Instead I just came to spread the Gospel

And the plague

I’m sorry that I stand at the front doors of abortion clinics

Screaming at fifteen year old girls as they enter

Instead of waiting at the back door to hug them as they leave

I’m sorry for taking my wars and my faith to your lands

When historically it was on your lands that my faith was born

And in the face of the storm, I realize that

If God is Allah and Allah is God

Then why are we shooting instead of sharing?

Why are we launching instead of learning?

Why are we warring instead of walking together?

Why are we taking instead of talking together?

Why are we bombing instead of breaking bread together as brothers?

You see, I think that God looks down and He’s sad

And from His right hand throne above

Jesus asks where is the Love?

And if it takes Wil-I-Am and Justin Timberlake

Asking that same question for us

To start asking that same question

Then where the fuck are we headed?

So I will take this stage to be my chapel

And this mic my confession booth

And in the presence of God, the few, the proud,

and the blessed I confess, that

I am a Christian. I’m sorry.

So you call yourself a man?

Time To Answer Some Questions

I need change but what do I expect to change? And when do I expect change? When should I act differently?

Where do you sense or know, you have business with God? ( You want an immediate change, therefore you should act immediately.)

Who and what is your beauty? Every man has something in his life that he pursues, what’s yours? What do I fight for? What do provide for? What excites you?

How do you treat yourself, what do you say to yourself when you’re alone, or just in your head? How do you see yourself? What words do you use? What words do you fear?

How do I impact people? What am I afraid my impact on people might be?

What are the joys of my past?

What do I hide from? Why?

What am I missing in life? What’s holding me back?

What did I lose as a boy?

What kind of a relationship do you have with your mother? Your father?

What part of my heart has God been pressing? Do I allow him in?

What do I need redeemed of? Forgiven for? Released from?

Where do I seek validation from? Do I seek men’s approval? Do I try hard to be noticed, heard, or understood?

Am I respected? Am I listened too?

What am I responsible for, what do I care for? What are my responsibilities and priorities?

Do I know the promises God has for me? What are those biblical references?

How do I let my selfish nature control my relationship?

What are my addictions?

How often do I use the words “woulds”, “shoulds”, “coulds” in my sentences, values, and priorities? Is it my responsibility to communicate them to others, or let others figure it out on their own?

What steps are you taking to build a family? Or provide for those in need?

What name does God call you by? What does it mean?

What is your love language(s)? What are your personality types?

What lies about myself do I tend to buy into?

What have I been trained to do? To be? Have I been trained to fail or succeed?

Why do you say, “I can never do that”, or “I can never be that”? Who does God say you could be? What steps are you making towards descipleship, education, and training?

Where do I expect to be in 30 days? 1 year? 5 years? 10 years?

Why am I compelled to be alone? or Why do I feel the need to always be around people? Do I carry any unreasonable expectations on my relationships?

Who are my convenient friendships? Who are my covenant relationships?

Do I feel like a boy or a man? Do I feel uninitiated?

What are you to give to Jesus now?

What steps are you taking to lead, and remain better?

Are you an imitator of Christ?

Who’s Kingdom am I building, Christ’s or my own?

Is life about being happy whether or not it’s right or wrong, or right whether or not you are happy or sad?

Can I seperate the difference between Godly principles and worldly principles?

Walking in Wisdom-

How will my decisions effect my relationship with God?

Will this decision bring glory to God?

Will I be judged negatively when standing at the final judgement for this decision?

How does this decision effect my relationship with others?

Could this appear wrong, even if I feel it’s right?

Will this cause another in Christ to stuggle?

How will this decision effect who I am in Christ and what I’m becoming?

Will this decision cause me to become enslaved?

Am I breaking any previous commitments?

Where do my natural giftings come into play when serving my community and church family?

Under what conditions do I change myself to be something I’m not naturally?

Have I covered any God given strengths with man made weaknesses?

How do I wish I was raised vs. How was I raised?

Without looking it up, what is the Gospel to me now?

How does my testimony apply?

If you don’t know it’s wrong, does that make it sin?

When I look in the mirror do I see Jesus?

Are you in a place to support you pastor in his vision and strategy? If not, what do you need in order to be?

Which one of these do I lean more towards? Education, Media, Government, Family, Media, Religion, Art/Entertainment, Business

What are the areas that I have calling, charge, or influence?

Am I a good example to those around me as to what it means to be a man, a christian, a friend, a son?


An interesting tidbit study I did a while back I just found and wanted to share…

Dictionary Definition
Trust: Confident belief; faith.  The person or thing in which confidence is placed.  To rely, depend.  To have confidence in, feel sure of.  To expect with assurance; assume.  To believe.
	Synonyms: trust, faith, confidence, reliance, dependence.  These nouns refer to a feeling that a person or thing will not fail in performance.  Trust implies depth and assurance of such feeling, which may not always be supported by proof.  When acceptance or someone or something is unquestioning and emotionally charged, faith is the more appropriate term.
Power: The ability or capacity to act or perform effectively.  A person, group, or nation having a great influence or control over others


A Heretic

DISCLAIMER I am a Heretic and I love it. lol (My thoughts are obviously open to change at any time and probably will. I hold most of these concepts very loosely, and it’s easier most of the time for me to just say I don’t know. Most of this if not all is speculation. These are not the opinions of my family, friends, church, teachers, or mentors. This is for fun and I wrote this for me, not for you. Most likely, you and I will disagree on these. I do not think you are going to hell. I do not care if you think I am. I have teachers and mentors that can challenge me and have the freedom and relationship to do so. If you are not one of them, or if we do not have a deep relationship, please keep your judgments to yourself. This is not an invitation for argument. An argument is self centered and is only focused on proving the other wrong in assumption that the first party is right. A debate is, both parties go into a discussion, capable of representing either stance as antagonist or protagonist regardless of personal opinions. Both sides are willing and open minded in being wrong. A debate is a two way conversation. I am educated and intelligent enough to do research and create theologies of my own. I will not argue with you. My theories are a product of many conversations with God and years of tearing apart my internal engine and putting it back together. I respect you and your freedom of creativity, please respect mine. This is not all inclusive, or comprehensive in any way. Thanks for reading, have fun with and let’s challenge one another in love. )

July 21, 2011. Our hopes of a child fell through our fingers like sand. No one can prepare you for a miscarriage. The moment family and friends hear that my wife was experiencing sharp pain and bleeding during week seven of her pregnancy, they seemed to automatically brace themselves for the worst. For me though, I believed God was bigger. I have prayed for people and watched them be healed. I knew God’s plan for us did not include the loss of a child. He wouldn’t do that, “His word” promised a life of blessing, provision, and a hope of a future. Yet there we were, being told by doctors that we had just been through a miscarriage. “Hey, look at the bright side, when your body rejects cells, it’s usually means they may not have formed right.” And… “ You never know, it may not have been God’s plan after all.” All I could think was, this is all total bull-shit.

I ran into a fundamental problem. Either I interpreted God’s promises incorrectly meaning I’m at fault, the Bible was written by an optimistic man, and it was the Bible that lied. Or God really made those promises and he lied. The response from my Christian friends, “pray and read the bible”, and “listen to the Holy Spirit.” My faith was shot.

Let me give you a little background. This is not by any means comprehensive, but it will explain a lot. When I was 12, I lived with my dad. I was the astute little Mormon and I believed it to the letter. All this came crashing down on me when I had a spiritual encounter with Jesus on the shoulder of highway 84 between Ontario and Farewell Bend. It was Mother’s Day, 1992. If you’ve ever been out there, you’ll recall that it’s out in the middle of nowhere, just steep foothills and sage. My Mom had converted to Christianity and she shared the Gospel of Jesus with me and my big sister for the first time. The difference between her Jesus and my Dad’s was obvious. I could feel Jesus from a loving and selfless act on behalf of my mother, but to my father, the Jesus I knew was a self centered big brother. I was confused by the story of Jesus according to the LDS Church, vs. the gospel of Jesus given by my Non- denomination/ Messianic mother. My question was simple. Were Jesus and Satan brothers? Their response: “pray and read the scriptures;” and “listen to the Holy Spirit.” Where have I heard this before?

Like a snow ball effect, more and more question filled my head. I knew deep down I had believed a lie, but the truth was scary. Everything I knew was a lie. I boldly stood before my church, family and friends, and declared my testimony that the church was false and Joseph Smith was a false prophet. You can imagine the humiliation my father must have felt as well as the disappointment for his son. In the four years that followed, I had been grounded from attending a Lutheran youth group who hated me, and forced to attend a Mormon youth group who hated me. Let’s just say I wasn’t popular. I took beatings from my father for disobedience and rebellion. I was grounded for listening to Christian music and reading a study bible my mom gave me instead of the Book of Mormon. I was hungry for more and I dove into Apologetics and Christian Theology. I was a pupil of Archeologist Ron Wyatt, who taught me a new way to look at Biblical Archeology and how the Old Testament was influenced heavily in Zoroastrian, Egyptian, and Arabic doctrine. He taught me that it was okay to ask questions and to never fear the truth. I went to Bible College and became active in Youth Groups. At sixteen while visiting my mom in Portland, I called my dad. “Dad, I’m not coming back home. I want out of the Mormon Church.” It was six years before I talked to him again, and only one year before I left my mom’s house to seek manhood. Meanwhile I served as an Assistant Youth Pastor and an Intern at a huge foursquare church, became a Pentecostal, and enlisted in the military. I suffered countless abuse from Men that I trusted and pushed even harder for men’s approval. It took me to the bottom of depression, alcoholism, drug abuse, and one failed relationship after another. I was an orphan. My mom remarried and I was no longer able to go back to mom. I was bankrupt and alone.

Fortunately for me, I met my wife before I lost all hope, and learned of a God who loves me as a son. Through mentoring I began to firmly believe I was given supernatural gifts through Jesus Christ and once again my faith was restored in a loving God. I began to study the teachings of Rob Bell, Paul Young, Chris Vallotton, Graham Cooke, and John Eldridge. I became a Prophetic Artist and traveled to Conferences declaring the wonderful love of the father.

Now fast forward back to where we lost the baby. I had been studying the bible, and wondering why the church seemed so helpless at working in Gifts of the Spirit. If we truly were Christians, we’d be seeing manifestations of miracles, signs and wonders. The church should be forerunners in a revival that changes the very fabric of economics and society. I wondered where do we get the dogma we believe, the structure we follow, the theology we teach, and the belief in a bible inspired by God himself? I came to a very valuable conclusion. I don’t know.

Here are some concepts I potentially hold closer than others. I might accidently repeat myself or potentially expand on a thought.

1.) From what I have studied, Christianity has undeniable roots in Mithraism and Zoroastrianism. I believe it was possibly the product of Paul of Tarsus and his influence on the Roman Catholic Church in a successful plot to mix a Greek mystery cult with a story of a Messianic Judaic messiah. I even began to study the similarities between Buddhism and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

2.) There are many cultures that have teachings from Jesus of Nazareth, and for me the most compelling is the Gospel of Thomas and the Story of St. Issa and Apollonius.

3.) I stopped believing in right and wrong and began to look at the world with eyes of light and dark or good and evil. I try not to hold myself or anyone else to a Moral Law. The goal is to develop a discipline of walking in forgiveness and grace.

4.) I let go of any eschatology or end times theology. I don’t even have a firm belief in a hell or a turn and burn doctrine. Regardless of biblical doctrine, I don’t think anyone is going to Hell. That’s just my opinion.

5.) I have many theologies on the Relationship between Angels and Aliens (Anunaki) and the plot to remove the image of God through the mutilation of man’s genetic code. (That’s right, I said it.) Evil is out to desecrate what is good, to deceive, tempt, torment, and accuse until no remnant of God’s sons remain. Just a theory.

6.) I’m anti-government, anti- military industrial complex, and anti- religion. In fact, I can’t understand how someone can call themselves “Christian” and enlist into the military. I am communist, and to some degree and anarchist. I am a Jesusist, a Quaker, and a Messianic Jew. I am not a pacifist. I am a proud conspiracy theorist and political activist.

7.) I believe in covenant relationship. I just don’t know if I think it’s possible to maintain a  covenant relationship within a system. Covenant Relationship requires a selfless discipline.  My goal is to control anything that comes in or out of my body, to include; words, food, and thoughts. We can’t possible care for our planet, if we are poor stewards of our body or each other.

8.) I believe words of indescribable power, to bind or to loose negative energy or positive energy. I think the book “The Secret” is a croc of steaming pooh. Being a pessimist or an optimist doesn’t change anything. The Universe isn’t biased.

9.) God will not destroy the Earth, we are to subdue and replenish it. Makes me wonder what happened to it that made him want us to “subdue” and then “replenish”. It’s interesting that those are the words that were used.

10.) I think Jesus died at the ripe old age of 120, in Kashmir India. And I’m starting to believe in Reincarnation, Transfiguration, and the quest to seek Truth or Enlightenment through him. – I might believe in the reincarnation of a spirit. ie Adam and the Dalai Lama. Steven Seagal thinks he is the reincarnation of God, I think he is bully and a fraud.

11.) I think God has many Sons. My spirit is one of them. I’m still learning who Jesus was and is. “Who do you say I am?” I’m starting to think that the Bride of Christ is really a fourth part of the so called “Trinity”, and we all are a part of who God is. I think of it like God blew himself up into a Trillion pieces, and all of us are a part of Him. I don’t know really. It’s just a thought.

12.) I think The Holy Spirit is Jesus’ Spirit. (Is Jesus’ spirit separate from his body?) This is one reason why I like the St. Issa story.

13.)  I believe God is the God of the Tibetans, Babylonians, Egyptians, Hebrews, Mayans, Arabs and everyone else. There for, it is important that I way out their testimony of God with mine. I like to read their doctrine and determine whether their God sounds like the God I think I know. If it doesn’t feel right to me, I don’t believe it. (Or I go to something else.)

14.) Angels were created to serve God and his creation. We have authority over the Angels. I find the story of the Nephalim very interesting.

15.)  Satan is a fallen angel who hates mankind and strives to accuse, tempt, and deceive human kind from the Light… this is through torment and the destruction of the soul. Sometimes I wonder if Baal, Legion, Beelzebub, Leviathan, Lilith, etc. were fallen angels as well. I was thinking that the fallen angels would have been the exact opposite of what they were when they were in heaven. Sometimes I wonder if Lilith was Adam’s first wife.

16.) I believe the Nephalim were sons of the fallen angels intent on destroying man and making a seed of their own who worships them as gods. I think these were our earliest Kings. They lived and move throughout other dimensions. God lives in the 3rd dimension. I think there are 12 total.

17.) Demons or Aliens are fallen angels intent on contaminating the seed of Man and destroying the image of God.

18.) Angels of light continue to war on our behalf to save mankind for the benefit of the Kingdom of God and the preservation of love and free will.

19.) The enemy is already defeated and we have authority over fallen angels and the demons.

20.) God created everything on Earth in 7 days. However, the earth may have been here for a long time before then. I don’t think the Earth was God’s first shot at humanity.

21.) On Earth a day has always been a 24 hour period.

22.) I think  the Earth was created like a Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber surrounded with a thin ice atmosphere.

23.) I think  the Earths water source was in underground aquifers. These were released when an asteroid struck the earth, destroying the outer shell and causing the earth to split like the stitches of a baseball. Shooting massive amounts of water into the atmosphere creating the huge trenches we have in our oceans today.

24.) People  walked with dinosaurs.

25.) Jesus is the Judge and will judge our hearts through love.

26.) Everyone will have a chance to change.

27.) I may believe in a temporary limbo or unconsciousness for those that still choose darkness. This may be what hell is.

28.) Heaven is an absorption into light. Our spirits are alive. This may be where we wait for our new bodies.

29.) I don’t know if I believe in a new body, in the rapture or reincarnation. It would be cool though.

30.) I believe all sin and death are destroyed at the end. (That includes those who choose darkness.)

31.) Only good remains and a smoking lake of fire will stand as a memorial. (I stole this one from a friend.)

32.) Man has a sinful or damaged nature due to the fall of Adam. Sometimes I wonder if Adam had a wife prior to Eve. In Pagan mythology that person was Lilith. She is also worshiped in the Pagan culture as well.

33.) Light and Dark forces battle for control over our mind, will, and emotions.

34.) Human kind determines right and wrong based on their self centered needs, fears, bias’, prejudices, and control issues. This is sin. It is derived from a self centered heart. Humanism and Survivalism are examples self centered systems.

35.)  The Holy Spirit is restored to us as we become selfless. He determines right and wrong and this relationship is righteousness. It is through simply believing. I think you can encounter the love of God and the Holy Spirit and not be a so called Christian.

36.) Since Adam, we have fallen into poor stewardship of the Earth and our relationship with God, resulting in worldly suffering, disease, famine, decay, and war.

37.)Catastrophic events, violent acts of nature, death, and other acts are caused by consequence of our inability to keep covenant, but it is not God’s will that we suffer.

38.) God’s will is to heal and restore the Earth and establish his Kingdom as an inheritance to those who believe through faith. God is GOOD. His anger was satisfied at the crucifixion of Christ his only son.

39.) Current events strengthen our faith, encourage, edify, and build up the Body of Christ. I pray for our political leaders, but unless it influences the work God has for me, I don’t care. I don’t watch TV or listen to the Radio.

40.) Just for fun, I am a conspiracy theorist and I do believe 9/11 was an inside job, aliens are influencing the white house, and our government controls the weather, plus a bunch more.

41.) I am a partner or “Bride” and co-heir with Jesus Christ. (I may believe, at one point will be worshiped by God’s creation. Not as an equal with God, but another facet of his identity. There for, I don’t believe in a trinity. At least it’s something I hold loosely.)

42.) An act of prophetic declaration is required following salvation. I believe in baptism, for it is the act of the old man dying and the new man being born. However, I feel it is important that we profess with our mouths.  I don’t know if it has to be with water, or if it matters if a person is completely immersed.

43.) I don’t believe sin can be judged through Moral Law.

44.) It is important to confess your sins to one another. Create a place of grace, encouragement, edification, and growth of the gifts of the Spirit (Peace, Love, Joy, Longsuffering, etc.)

45.) Prophesy is the act of declaring hidden treasures in God’s creation, declaring the creative power and potential.

46.) I am not to Judge and condemn anything but the Word of God, for rebuking, and teaching of the Body of Christ

47.) I operate in God’s timing for prophesying, teaching, or rebuking; not in my own interests or agendas but in love through the empowerment of grace.

48.) Good works are a sign of having received the Gifts of the Spirit. I do them from a selfless heart, not a self centered heart. It is not through strife but through joy.

49.) I believe in the act and office of The 5 fold Ministry and its use today.

50.) I feel am called to serve as an Apostle. My heart is to declare kingdom potential into others.

51.) I believe the Empowerment of God is through Grace.

52.) I have visions and dreams. I have a strong prophetic gift. I am a Prince in another Kingdom.

53.) God cannot be taken to a people that he is already with. I do not believe in missionaries but evangelists.

54.) I am rewarded by God in the end and now. Jesus will judge out of love. The Law of the Land is separate from the Law of God. It is more important to love than be right.

55.) I honor the Law of the Land and I respect the Authority over me. I do not agree with the systems that govern us.

56.) I honor the Law of Moses; however we are to be selfless, and not self-centered.

57.) Moses was not the first to receive the Law. I don’t know if I believe God wrote it with his finger literally or metaphorically. I think God gave the 10 commandments to Shem and Shem gave them to Hammurabi.

58.) It is not important to my salvation if I don’t adhere to the Law of Moses as long as my heart is in relationship with the Creator.

59.) I am to use self control and suppress acts of the flesh, mind, will, and emotions.

60.) I do not to judge acts of immorality. I am not a teacher on ethics. I observe the love and care of human life. As for me and my family we will serve the Lord.

61.) I do not condemn or judge homosexuality. I have chosen and I choose to love my wife in a way that honors God. My wife and I are equal, yet I am the head of our house.

62.) I do not judge or condemn abortion. I choose to love my children in a way that honors God.

63.) I courageously lead my home in a way that is socially and spiritually responsible.

64.) I am not a pacifist; however I am a conscientious objector. It all is determined by my gift of discernment.

65.) I do not believe it is okay for a Christian to enlist in the armed forces. To me it’s a conflict of morals and ethics. Unless…

66.) I believe in serving in a localized National Guard not controlled by our Government. I think the local law enforcement or fire fighting should become federal and not local. The National Guard should be the only exception as a part of locally operated military, federally funded but separate from government and not for use in overseas emergencies. Those in the military should vote for war, rather than be called for war. Vigilantism should be a form of local deputizing. Kind of like getting a license or permit to carry a weapon. We do not need Police Officers.

67.) It is important to be a good steward with God has given me. I choose to save, store, and invest in a legacy to pass on to my family and community. Private income tax is illegal. Tax business based on size, giving massive tax breaks to small business and less tax breaks depending on size of company. Reform the IRS and end the Federal Reserve.

68.) I will not beat my kids, but I will discipline my Kids. I don’t know how yet. I am terrified to be a dad.

69.) I think High school is worthless. Just go straight to college or trade school. Foreign service should be mandatory.

70.) I cannot judge Divorce, but if I love and care my wife, and pursue her needs, divorce will never be an option.

71.) As a professing Christian in the church, divorce, is never an option. However, you can’t force the one you are with to love you. It has to be a choice.

72.) Jesus takes the things I hate about myself and molds me to look more like him. It’s okay to have issues.

73.) Prayer and meditation are not replacements for medical care. However, I do believe in supernatural healing.

74.) I do not pray for healing unless I really feel the Holy Spirit wants me too.

75.) I do believe in both prayer and meditation. There is a season for both.

76.) I am called to be a radical Environmentalist. I am responsible for how I treat the earth.

77.) I am responsible for the company’s I invest in. I invest to the best of my ability in companies who are local and moral.

78.) God will not destroy the Earth.

79.) I don’t know if the Bible is the infallible/ perfect word of God.

80.) I do think the Bible is the inspired word of God, which carries the truth if studied and inspired.

81.) I do not think the Bible is complete, but I can learn from other resources as well.

82.) I do not think the Canonization of the Bible was God inspired but man inspired and used by the papal church as a form of propaganda and control.

83.) I think it is important to look at Historical and Scientific facts along with the Bible, and to take into consideration any other extra biblical sources.

84.) I think the Bible is Metaphorical, Historical, and Allegorical. It is to be read as a commentary, and as a documentary.

85.) The Bible is full of contradictions.

86.) Satan knows the bible well. He  uses my ignorance and stubborn nature to trap my mind into set theologies. You can make the bible say whatever you want depending on your agenda.

87.) God continues to speak, and not just to “Christians”. Unless you are walking in the spirit, in a way that is supernatural… you might want to stop calling yourself a Christian. From what I can tell, a Christian is one who actively performs miracles, sign, and wonders. A Christian is actively changing the environment in which they live. I am truly labeling 99% of the so called church.. a hypocritical and judgmental fraud. Please stop calling your selves Christians.

88.) I don’t think a church is to be a corporation or system built for the sake of increasing itself financially unless it’s to feed  and care for the widows, orphans, or homeless.

89.) I think tithes and offerings are important when given to a governing body. I think it’s important to give to an organization that feeds the hungry, and distributes to the poor.

90.) I do not think you should tithe if you are in debt. I don’t think tithe should be a bill.

91.) If I am in debt, how can my tithe be my first fruits? To me, debt is a sign of poor stewardship.

92.) I am a testimony to the Good News. My testimony is a gospel of Jesus Christ. My gospel is just as important as anyone in the bible.

93.) I believe God cannot be summed up in the Bible. I believe in extra biblical acts. I have seen gold dust,  healing, feathers, gem stones, and quarters that stick to wall etc. I can’t explain it, but really, there more important thing to worry about.

94.) In my time meditating on the things of  God I have shook, laughed, danced, and groaned. Quit judging my experience with God; get one of your own. I’ve had an amazing encounter with God… don’t judge me if you haven’t had a similar experience. Just ask for one.

95.) Look at your Bible… now think about how much information is in it. Now imagine a library the size of a city block, an archive below the ground of the Vatican. Since the canonization of scripture, do you think there might be information located in that vault that might potentially change how we interpret the Bible? I think it would be ignorant to assume the Bible is all there is. Just think about it.

96.) “This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.” Dalai Lama

97.) In “Patriotism and Government,” published in 1900, Tolstoy writes: “It is immoral because, instead of recognizing himself as the son of God, as Christianity teaches us, or at least as a free man, who is guided by his reason, every man, under the influence of patriotism, recognizes himself as the son of his country and the slave of his government, and commits acts which are contrary to his reason and to his conscience.”

98.) I don’t believe our Constitution or Bill of Rights exist. I believe we unknowingly signed over our rights since the creation of the Social Security Administration and the Federal Reserve. We have not been a Republic since 1932. The United States is a Democratic Oligarchy or in other words our government gives limited power to the people by a select elite group of bankers.

99.) I believe the undiscovered Biblical city of Babylon and the Tower of Babel is buried under top soil and reservoir at a location just north of Urfa at the Ataturk Reservoir.  This was the opinion of my old friend and Archeologist Ron Wyatt, who died before he had the chance to prove his theory.

100.) Per definition: Dating is when you set a time and a place to meet with someone. It is neither romantic nor exclusive. Courtship is exclusively pursuing with the intent to marry by means of developing boundaries and expectations set by family and community. A young man is unable to propose courtship until the father agrees that he is able to provide for a family of his own and be a good steward with what he is given. A young woman cannot be chosen until she is released by her parents and is capable of raising a family. Marriage is the covenant between both parties establishing those boundaries expectations that we previously agreed upon.  Neither party is able to marry if they are in a trade school or other career developed commitment. I think that if we taught these principles to our kids once again, we would see healthier relationships developed, stronger families, fewer divorces, fewer abortions, and longer lasting marriages. I don’t know why we allow our kids to “casually date”. I think it’s irresponsible and shows a lack of accountability and parenting. Nothing tells a kid you don’t care more than saying “do what ever makes you happy”. Drives me nuts.

(If you’re still shocked by what you’ve read. Get over yourself. 🙂 You’ll probably find that you are just as crazy as me and we might have a ton in common. Take the time and think about what you believe I’d love to read it and get to know you better.) I have tons of sources for reading, and I’m happy to share those.